Please log in (top right corner of the page) to request space in these areas:
• Armstrong Student Center
• Student Activity Spaces:
o Hamilton Hall Sorority Suites (sorority use only)
o Residence Hall Quads
o Outdoor Tabling Spaces (Phi Delta Theta Gates, Seal/Hub, Farmer Gates)
• Select Outdoor University Spaces
o Peffer Park
o Dogwood Grove
o Formal Gardens
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with this site or need assistance making a reservation, please contact:
• Armstrong Student Center and outdoor tabling reservations- Pam Goodwin at goodwip@miamioh.edu or (513) 529-2311
• Hamilton Hall and Residence Hall Quads - Elissa Christmas at christe@miamioh.edu or (513) 529-2266
• Outdoor Miami Spaces – Brad Clark at clarkbw@miamioh.edu
• Marcum Center, Shriver Center, Chapels - (513) 529-3591
Please contact a planner to discuss your space reservations in the Shriver Center, Marcum Center and the Chapels by calling (513) 529-3591.
To request space in academic buildings, go to 25Live.
For information and contacts for reserving other spaces, click here for a complete list.
If you are a customer external to Miami University, please call Miami Conference and Event Services at (513) 529-3591 for assistance.